Services and Redefining Pathology
At Visiopath we provide a comprehensive and customised Diagnostic Histopathology services to the NHS and Private Sector across all specialities. Our mission is to alleviate the pressures on departments and enrich pathology services all over the UK. Our team comprises histopathologists who hold substantive NHS posts and are specialists in their respective fields. The team comprises, clinical and operational staff – all of whom support and provide a fully managed Histopathology Service.
We pride ourselves on accurate diagnostics, precise reporting, personalised customer service, tailor made pricing structure, web-based information sharing and rapid turnaround. We are a comprehensive solution to all your requirements. Our fully managed service reduces the pressure on your department.
From our Pathologists and dedicated Account Managers, to our couriers – we are fully committed to providing and delivering to you an outstanding professional service. Our specialised Client Services Team offer an “out-of-hours” support – we are available for urgent reporting 24 Hours. Our Consultant Pathologists are experienced in general Histopathology, Dermatopathology, Uropathology, Gynecological Pathology, Gastrointestinal and Breast Pathology. Our Pathologists consistently provide accurate and outstanding results.
We are passionate about providing a simple, efficient and effective solution for Pathology. Our services are customisable to your needs. Whether it is a one-off case or contractual work – we are committed to quality and precision of reporting. We also welcome enquiries from doctors and patients who wish for a second opinion on the diagnosis received.
Our vision is to redefine cancer research and diagnosis. We will eliminate the traditional methods which have held laboratories back and make way for a new, efficient pathology platform. We will transform the practice of Pathology and inject in it modern digital power.
The Team

Clinical Director & Co-Founder
Dr Ali Alhakim
Dr Ali Alhakim has served the NHS for 20 years and is co-founder of Visiopath Limited. Dr. Alhakim qualified in medicine from St. George’s Hospital in 1999 (MBBS), membership of the Royal College of Pathologists by examination in 2005 and subsequently becoming a fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists. Dr Alhakim trained at world renowned centres in London including the Royal Marsden Hospital, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Hospital.
Dr Alhakim has been a Consultant Pathologist at Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust for over 13 years. He is Lead Pathologist for lower GI and Haematopathology at his current post. Dr Alhakim is also the Lead Pathologist for the bowel cancer screening, yet he also reports from a wide range of specialties including breast urology and gynaepathology. He is a qualified medical examiner (RCPathME) since May 2019 and is the Lead Medical Examiner at East Surrey Hospital. Academically, Dr Alhakim has published and been involved in several research papers in peer reviewed journals.

Director & Co-Founder
Ms Amina Baker
Ms Baker graduated from Cambridge University with a distinction BA (Hon) in 2003, and went on to receive two MAs from Cambridge University in 2006 and 2007 respectively. Amina worked as a client manager in a national healthcare company, managing a portfolio of NHS Trusts and developing new financial strategies. She then went onto working in management consultancy for a Washington based company negotiating and leading contracts predominantly in the health and transport sector. Amina has a vast experience of working on different levels of business development, and has a skill set that is invaluable to the success of her work.
Amina has a vision of what pathology is to become – to perfect cancer diagnosis and change the way the world practices pathology. She envisions a redefinition of pathology and giving Pathologists the tools to fight cancer today.

Business Development Manager
Ms Sarah Dougall-Savedra Dedomenici
Sarah graduated with a BA from the University of Leeds in 2004, she went on to gain accreditation and licensing with APMP (Association of Project Managers) and PRINCE2 (IAPM International Association of Project Managers). Sarah’s professional experience has given her a solid grounding in creative communications and project management. Sarah is an asset to our team and assists in the development of the business both remotely and in-house. Sarah has lived and worked in London, Peru, Mexico and Argentina.

Mr Aku Beg
Aku has been in the field of web based software development since the mid 90’s covering a wide variety of different disciplines. For Visiopath he manages the technical development teams for the website and LIMS software, also looking after the servers and security, with the aim of building a system from the ground up that caters for the full life cycle flow of Diagnostic Histopathology services provided by Visiopath.
Having lived in four different countries and working with high profile clients and ad-agencies, he has the know-how to deliver an enterprise level system that will grow and adapt to the ever advancing world of Histopathology.